Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We Ain't Dead Yet

The trip may officially be over, but there are still more OC goodies yet to come. After I'm done getting myself setup here in the VA, I'll be going through all the photos, videos, blog entries and souvenirs that we collected over the year, just to gain a bit of perspective on what we experienced. I've been trying to avoid looking all that stuff until I had the freedom to actually sit down and give it time it deserves. Well, that time is quickly approaching. Sometime this week, I'll start the sifting, and the memories, they will be triggered. I'm sure that quite a few blog entries, photo albums and video clips will be the happy result of the search. Mike may even be doing the same thing across the pond, there.

So, fear not, loyal OC reader. There is more to come.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or Mike is completely pished and letting people draw on his nipples...

7/25/2006 10:31 AM gmt

Blogger jason said...

... as usual.

7/25/2006 2:50 PM gmt


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