Saturday, May 28, 2005

On The Road Again - Part III

We arrived in Chicago around 18:00 Central Time. Jason 's step sister is putting us up in some very comfortable digs in The Ukranian Village. I went into town to meet Kelly B and Allan E while Jason went out for some sort of Chicagoan delicacy that involved a massive chunk of beef. We all met up later at a posh club on the Chicago River for a bit of the drinky drinky. In a somewhat unexpected turn, I ran into a friend from high school - Avis W. There were only 50 people in my graduating class and I happend to come across one of them in a bar in Chi Town. Go figure. I'm a bit drunk, but I've got a comfortable couch here and we will likely get out the door at a decent hour in the morn. Carolina here I come, right back where I started from. And damn happy to be there I will be.


Blogger jason said...

That massive chunk of beef was good, but it was tainted by the remnants of my surgery. Every once in a while, food will trigger this nasty rotting flavor in the back of my mouth. Burps do it, too.

5/30/2005 8:11 PM gmt

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, that's nasty.

6/01/2005 3:47 PM gmt


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