Friday, January 27, 2006

Photo Album: Estancia

We're not rich brats. To prove this, I will share with you our rough and tumble stay at an Argentinian estancia.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, those photos didn't help your cause. In reality, if you see the crappy jalopy of a Ford Ranger Jason used to drive, you will not think he's rich. Bratty maybe but not rich. But seriously dudes, just enjoy your trip, no need to defend anything. We unfortunates who have to slave at work are envious.

1/28/2006 5:10 AM gmt

Blogger jason said...

Crappy jalopy? Nono. It's spelled K-i-n-g-o-f-t-h-e-R-o-a-d.

1/29/2006 1:11 PM gmt

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to see an old photo of the K-i-n-g-o-f-t-h-e-R-o-a-d from the sky, go to and type in your former work address. That rusty KOTR is forever immortalized in cyberspace.

1/30/2006 4:59 AM gmt

Blogger jason said...

Went there.
Saw it.
That´s fucked up.

2/06/2006 11:47 PM gmt

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey post the pic! I wanna see!

2/10/2006 5:15 PM gmt


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