Saturday, April 08, 2006

Photo Album: Rio de Janeiro

Since my camera got stolen in Salvador, I had to buy a cheapy disposable one to record the OC's domination of Carnaval. At first, I was a bit worried that the pictures were not up to the usual high standards of this here operation, but then I decided that I should put them on display in spite of there less-than-stellar shine. Behold!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A cheapy disposable DIGITAL camera? Don't tell me you scanned all those shits in.

4/12/2006 5:15 PM gmt

Blogger jason said...

1) They do actually make dısposable dıgıtals now.

2) Thıs weren't no dıgıtal.

3) They were clearly crappıly scanned ın addıtıon to beıng crappıly captured.


4/15/2006 9:38 AM gmt

Blogger jason said...


These Turkısh keyboards are weird.

4/15/2006 9:40 AM gmt


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