Not Santorum
Santorini Island, Greece
We're officially in Europe, and the trip is nearing it's conclusion.
It's kind of a bittersweet feeling knowing that it will all be over soon. On the one hand, this little adventure has been amazing, easily surpassing my expectations, and the lure of continuing these explorations for another year is strong. On the other hand, I'm looking forward to getting myself reorganized. A lot of shit falls into disrepair when you're away from the real world, especially for spans of time measured in months, and the idea of getting all my ducks back in a row is very appealing.
But, for these last two months, The OC will keep on keepin'-on, and we are now entering a more vacation-y phase of the mission. We're currently in Greece, basking in the fancy sun of the Cyclades with our friend Lauren. After she heads back to LA, we'll tool around in the Balkans for a bit, perhaps stopping in Bulgaria to chill on the Black Sea Coast, and maybe even meeting with some old Lyubov Orlova friends in Hungary. By the end of May, we should be in Croatia for a week-long sail along the Adriatic. Once that's done, the World Cup begins, which will no doubt involve a lot of screaming and pints. And Amsterdam. Gotta have Amsterdam.
So, nothing too difficult. Europe is kind of a known quantity. It should be fun, but I don't see any big challenges on the horizon. Just a lot of money spent. Seriously. I think our three days here on Santorini will end up costing us more than our three weeks in India did.
Stupid strong Euro.
..."little adventure"? WTF? You call this little? ;-)
Enjoy Greece, and see you in Germany in June!
5/05/2006 4:57 PM gmt
5/06/2006 4:55 PM gmt
Gah, wish I could join all y'alls in Europe. But I have all this settling into the Bay Area to do.
5/11/2006 4:55 PM gmt
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2/02/2023 2:24 AM gmt
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